2017 Salt Marsh STEAM: Teacher Workshop Application |
Communicating Science through the Arts - July 24-28, 2017
Applications are due by May 20, 2017.
Registration is $100 and includes all supplies, lesson plans, lodging, and food.
Open to 3rd-5th grade teachers*, pre-service teachers, and non-formal educators
Requirements: Commitment to five-day workshop, plus pre-webinar and post follow-up. MUST be able tolerate summer temperatures, insects, and physical activity. Upon completion of the workshop, teachers must develop a lesson plan to be shared with all participants.
Registration is $100 and includes all supplies, lesson plans, lodging, and food.
Open to 3rd-5th grade teachers*, pre-service teachers, and non-formal educators
Requirements: Commitment to five-day workshop, plus pre-webinar and post follow-up. MUST be able tolerate summer temperatures, insects, and physical activity. Upon completion of the workshop, teachers must develop a lesson plan to be shared with all participants.