Your input is invaluable to help us improve LeadingAgeCA for all members. Let’s make this feedback journey enjoyable! 🌟

Question Title

1. Please provide your name and title/position

Question Title

2. What company/community/property do you represent?

Question Title

3. Overall, how is LeadingAgeCA treating you? On a sale of "Couldn't be happier" to "We need to chat" where do we stand?

Very Satisfied Neutral Not At All Satisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

4. Would you recommend membership in LeadingAgeCA to your colleagues and others?

Question Title

5. How are we doing with communications?

Not enough information- I need more Just the right amount of information- keep it coming My inbox is flooded- slow it down
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

6. What are your biggest marketing and sales challenges? Rank these from your biggest hurdle to smallest speed bump.

Question Title

7. What services matter to you most? Check all that apply!

  Yes No Tell Me More
Best Practices Sharing
Committee Networking and Involvement
Online Communities Networking
Networking Opportunities Across the Continuum of Care
Public Awareness Campaigns
Regional Networking and Education Events
Membership Directory Listing your Community(s) or Property(s)

Question Title

8. How do we score? Rate us on what we're getting right or where we can do better.

  Strong Neutral Room for Improvement
Stays in touch with members  
Provides relevant content at meetings  
Provides access to helpful products and services  
Represents my profession’s interest before state government  
Pursues relevant lobbying and advocacy efforts  
Keeps me informed about issues affecting my profession  
Provides individual consultation when needed  
Provides useful web site information and resources  
Provides resources to support our current operations  
Provides resources to support our strategic planning  
Creates networking opportunities for me  

Question Title

9. What's holding you back? Let us know what keeps you from diving into deeper involvement.

Question Title

10. How can we better support your marketing superpowers? What resources should we bring to the table?

Question Title

11. What services does your organization offer? (check all that apply)

  We Offer Directly We Outsource We Partner For This Offering
Affordable Housing
Assisted Living Waiver
CalAIM ECM/Community Supports  
CCRC/Life Plan Community with a SNF
CCRC/Life Plan Community without a SNF
Home Care/Personal Care Services
Home Health  
Home Sharing   
Memory Care
Multi-Level Campus (MLRC not a CCRC)  
Stand Alone RCFE  
Stand Alone SNF