Thanks for providing your feedback on the City of Salem’s budget by answering the following questions. Your responses will help us as we strive to serve you and all Salem residents. This 10-question survey should take about 4 minutes.Para realizar esta encuesta en español, utilice este enlace: Question Title * 1. Which of these describe you? (Select all that apply.) I live in Salem I work in Salem I do business in Salem None of the above Question Title * 2. How did you hear about this feedback questionnaire? (Select all that apply.) At work Neighborhood association Social media From a friend or family member Reddit Attended a City listening session City website Email from the city Saw a recorded City listening session News outlet (TV, paper, etc.) Radio Other (please specify) I don't remember Question Title * 3. How well do you feel you understand Salem’s challenge of not having enough money to pay for current services? Not at all well Not very well Very well Extremely well Question Title * 4. How would you rate the information that the City of Salem has made available to explain why the City does not have enough money to pay for current services? Poor Good Excellent I have not seen the information Question Title * 5. What City services are most important to you and your family? (Select all that apply.) Police (emergency police response, criminal investigations, graffiti removal, traffic safety and enforcement) Fire (fire protection and medical response, 9-1-1 call center) Public Works (drinking water, sewer, streets, paths and sidewalks, creeks, rivers, and streams) Community Planning and Development (planning and building permits, parking, affordable housing, attracting and retaining jobs and businesses, and targeted community redevelopment) Community Services (library, Center 50+, parks and recreation, public art, Neighborhood Association support, health and safety in public spaces) Other (please specify) None Question Title * 6. Do you have any suggestions for ways the City could cut costs or services? Question Title * 7. Do you have any suggestions for new ways the City could fund the services it provides? Question Title * 8. How important is it to create a sliding scale or tiers for services with fees (i.e. should people with lower incomes pay less)? Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Question Title * 9. Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding the City’s direction or its budget? Question Title * 10. How can we continue the conversation about City issues with you? Listening sessions Social media Citywide surveys City’s website Email (Please provide your email address and we will add you to our email list) Done