Welcome to our third annual resident's survey!

In February 2017, the Town of Sackville adopted a 5-year Strategic Plan – Sackville 2022. This plan provides a clear direction for the Town and importantly, includes a commitment to monitor the Town’s success and obtain feedback on the various service delivery areas that the Town provides to its residents.


This is the Town’s third annual residents survey, part of the Town’s commitment to review Sackville 2022 and to provide a report card to our citizens. We encourage you to take a few moments to complete this survey so that you can help us continue to improve the way in which deliver services to our residents.


If you need assistance in completing this survey, or have any questions, please contact Jamie Burke, Senior Manager of Corporate Projects, at 364-4930.

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the overall quality of life in the Town of Sackville?

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* 2. How satisfied are you with the following Town of Sackville services:

  Not satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Mostly Satisfied Incredibly Satisfied
Recreation Programs
Town Parks and Facilities
Winter Road/Sidewalk Conditions
Garbage Collection
Police Services
Fire Services
Town Roads and Sidewalks
Tourism Initiatives
Arts and Cultural Programs and Events
Marketing and Communications
Economic Development

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate the three services listed below that you are most happy with.

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* 4. Please indicate the three services listed below that you think the Town needs to improve.

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* 5. How satisfied are you with the Town’s budget process and overall management of tax dollars?

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* 6. How satisfied are you with the Town’s governance and leadership?

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* 7. Please rate your customer service experience with the Town of Sackville?

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* 8. Please indicate how you find out information about the Town of Sackville?

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* 9. Is there another way for the Town of Sackville to communicate information to you?

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* 10. To assist with identifying policy, plans and projects for the future, in your view as a resident of the Town of Sackville, what is the one most important issue facing your community that you feel should receive the greatest attention from your local leaders in the coming year?