1. Participant Information Statement

Please read the following information carefully
Dr. Thayaparan Gajendran, Associate Professor
School of Architecture and Built Environment
University of Newcastle
University Drive, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia

Individual Participant Information Statement for the Doctoral Thesis: Influence of “Power and Dependence” Attributes on Collaboration in Construction Projects

We are conducting this research to explore the influence of Power and dependence attributes on the collaboration of sub-contractures with main contractors in construction projects. This research will consider subcontractor’s perspective to determine the power propositions in the relationship of the main contractor with the subcontractor. The research is part of Shumank Deep’s Ph.D. at the University of Newcastle, supervised by Assoc. Prof. Thayaparan Gajendran, Dr. Marcus Jefferies from the School of Architecture and Built Environment. The University of Newcastle has funded this project.

You have been identified as a potential participant in this research study, and you are invited through them to participate in this research. This sheet contains information about the research.

Why is the research being conducted?

The purpose of the research is to analyze the influence of ‘power’ and ‘dependence’ attributes on the ‘collaboration’ of sub-contractures with main contractors in construction projects. The relationship between the contractor and sub-contractor is instrumental in ensuring the project based collaboration which facilitates smooth project execution. The benefits of this study are not limited to project-based collaboration. Efficient collaboration in a construction project ensures long-term trust, commitment, and reliability and reduces excessive reliance on indemnities.
In brief, this research aims to determine the sub-contractors perspective of the attributes of its relationship with the main contractor.
Who can participate in the research?

You are invited to participate if you work in a sub-contracting firm, project  manager, or a decision maker in sub-contracting firm. Please note that you are ineligible to participate if you are aged under 18.
What would you be asked to do?

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete an online survey questionnaire that will mostly consist of questions that require you to rate the answer in a 1 to 5 scale.
What choice do you have?

Participation in this research is entirely your choice.  Only those people who give their informed consent will be included in the project.  Whether or not you decide to participate, your decision will not disadvantage you. If you do decide to participate, you may withdraw from the project at any time before submitting your completed survey. Please note that due to the anonymous nature of the survey, you will not be able to withdraw your response after it has been submitted
How much time will it take?

The questionnaire/survey should take not more than 20 minutes to complete

What are the risks and benefits of participating?

There are no anticipated risks associated with participating in this research.
By participating in this questionnaire-based survey, you will have the opportunity to share your view on how you view power and dependence in collaboration.
By participating in this research, you will be contributing to the development of an in-depth understanding of how power and dominance influence the collaboration between sub-contractors and main contractors. This knowledge will assist in project procurement and management. There are no identifiable direct benefits to individual participants. However, the finding of this research could benefit the building industry to develop a better understanding of the collaboration.
How will your privacy be protected?

The online survey will be hosted in the ‘Survey Monkey’ platform via a secure encrypted connection.
The study data will be hosted by the Survey Monkey’ online repository, and please follow the link below to review the survey monkey’s privacy policy.
Due to the anonymous nature of the survey/questionnaire, the responses you provide will not be identifiable.
The data from SurveyMonkey online site will be downloaded as excel sheets and saved with password protections. The Data will be stored on The University of Newcastle’s cloud for a period of 5 years and after this duration it will be disposed of as per University of Newcastle’s policies. Only the research team that includes Principal supervisor, Co-supervisor and student researcher will have access to the data.
How will the information collected be used?

The collected data will contribute towards Shumank Deep’s Ph.D. thesis and may be presented in academic publications, journals, or conferences. Non-identifiable data may be also be shared with other parties to encourage scientific scrutiny and to contribute to further research and public knowledge, or as required by law.
If you would like a copy of the summary of the results, please write an email to Chief Investigator Assoc. Prof. Thayaparan Gajendran after September of 2020.
Individual participants and organizations will not be named or identified in any reports arising from the project, although individual anonymous responses may be quoted.
What do you need to do to participate?

Please read this Information Statement and be sure you understand its contents before you consent to participate. If there is anything you do not understand, or you have questions, please contact the researcher.
Completion and submission online survey will be taken as your implied consent to participate
Further information

If you would like further information, please contact Associate Professor Dr. Thayaparan Gajendran.
Thank you for considering this invitation.

Dr. Thayaparan Gajendran
Associate Professor
University of Newcastle
Dr. Marcus Jefferies
Senior Lecturer
University of Newcastle
Mr. Shumank Deep
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Newcastle
The Research Team:
Assoc. Prof. Thayaparan Gajendran, School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Newcastle,
Dr. Marcus Jefferies, School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Newcastle
Shumank Deep, School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Newcastle
Complaints about this research

This project has been approved by the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee, Approval No. H- 2019-113
Should you have concerns about your rights as a participant in this research, or you have a complaint about the manner in which the research is conducted, it may be given to the researcher, or, if an independent person is preferred, to the Human Research Ethics Officer, Research Services, NIER Precinct, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia, telephone (02) 49216333, email Human-Ethics@newcastle.edu.au.
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