Your input is very important to us!
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions to let us know the status of your business as well as identifying the recovery efforts you'd like to see post-COVID-19.

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* 1. Have you taken either of the previous COVID-19 surveys we conducted last year?

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* 2. How many employees do you have

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* 3. What is the current status of your business?

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* 4. What industry is your business in?

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* 5. What are the top 3 concerns you see affecting your business in the future?

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* 6. What is the business position on the vaccine?

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* 7. What Culver City items, outside of the pandemic, gives you the most concern in 2022?

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* 8. What support does your business need from the Chamber? 

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* 9. Are there any specific parts of COVID-19 Recovery that you have an interest in?

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* 10. Contact Information