The Trillium Network Management team wants to ensure that we provide technical assistance and education on a variety of topics to assist our provider network. Your input is important to us to make sure that we are meeting your needs, and expectations. We have three quick questions that will not take more than a minute to complete. The purpose of these questions is to assist us in developing and providing technical assistance on topics that are relevant for you and your organization. Also, our goal is to improve our customer service.

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* 1. How long have you been a Trillium provider? (This includes providers who were part of the consolidation). Please include the time contracted with legacy Eastpointe or legacy Sandhills.

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* 2. What topics would you like to receive technical assistance and training on? Please check all that apply.

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* 3. Which topic would you rank as the priority topic that you would most like to receive technical assistance and training on?

The Network Management Department will collect and analyze the data from this survey and begin planning topics that will be covered in the next Provider Forums. Thank you for your response.