Please take our survey Question Title * 1. How do you look for new agencies or shifts? Search engine (for example, Google) Job boards (for example, Indeed) Social Media Nursing/midwife forums Word of mouth Question Title * 2. Would you consider or be interested in contracts or lines of work? No Maybe If 'yes' please specify role: RGN (accute, cardio, surgery etc.), RMN/CPN, Midwife, Paeds, ITU, A&E, Theatre. Question Title * 3. If you've been working fewer shifts or not at all with Altrix over the last few months, could you tell us why? Moved to another agency Working with multiple agencies Working through Bank or rejoined the NHS Leaving the profession Question Title * 4. Please state any other agencies that you are working with. Question Title * 5. In your own words, what do you think Altrix does well? Question Title * 6. In your own words where could Altrix improve? Question Title * 7. Please enter your Altrix ID number or full name Done