Dear Eugene 4J Parents & Guardians,

Survey in English / Encuesta en inglés
Esta encuesta también está disponible en español: ///SPANISH SURVEY LINK///

Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey. Your feedback will be used to inform our efforts to continually improve our district, our schools, and our partnership with parents to help students succeed.

If you have more than one student attending school in Eugene School District 4J and have had a different experience for different students, please fill out a separate survey for each student. That provides the schools with information specific to each student’s individual educational experience.

If you have questions or input regarding this survey, please call the Instruction Department at 541-790-7550. Once again, thank you for your time and input.

Question Title

* 2. Total number of students attending this school and other 4J schools:

Question Title

* 3. My student's race(s)/ethnicities are...(Check as many as apply.)

Question Title

* 5. My student receives the following program(s) and/or service(s).  (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 6. My home language(s) is/are (Check all that apply.):

Question Title

* 7. (Teaching and Learning) My student’s school…

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/NA
keeps me informed by providing clear, regular information about my student’s academic and social-emotional progress.
keeps me informed about what my student is learning.
respects and includes the various cultures represented in our school community population.
asks my student and me for information about his/her goals, strengths and talents.
differentiates academic work to meet my student's needs
has high expectations for my student.
challenges my student with meaningful assignments that help him or her learn.
encourages my student not to give up on challenging work.
provides my student with extra help when he or she needs it.
gives my student regular and helpful feedback on his or her work.
is preparing my student for the next grade level and/or to graduate and prepare for life after high school.
communicates with my student and me regarding what we need to do to prepare for the next grade level and/or to graduate and be successful in life after high school.
engages in personalized family connection (home visits, regular communication, etc.) to strengthen a partnership between home and school that is focused on student growth and learning.

Question Title

* 8. (Communication)  My student’s school…

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
has a clear two-way channel for communication from home to school and from school to home.
communicates with me in a language that I can understand.
regularly and clearly communicates in formats (digital, print, phone, etc.) that meet my needs.
schedules meetings at a time I can attend and provides interpretation and childcare.
is responsive to my feedback.
has staff who are interested and attentive when they discuss my student.
provides opportunity for conferences with me (student-led and/or parent-teacher) at least once a year.

Question Title

* 9. (Communication) The best ways for my student’s school or teachers to get information to me about my child’s education are...

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Automated phone calls
School or class newsletter
School or class website
Postal mail
Paper sent home with my child
Parent-teacher and/or student-led conferences and meetings

Question Title

* 10. (Communication) During this school year I have…

  5 or more times 3-4 times 1-2 times Never
attended a parent-teacher and/or student-led conference
been invited to an event at my child’s school (performance, presentation, parent meeting, showcase, etc.)
attended a parent meeting in support of the school, programs or students (such as a Parent Teacher Organization, Latino Parent Team, etc.)
communicated with school staff about my child’s academic progress
provided opportunities to share my family's cultural background with teachers and school staff?

Question Title

* 11. (Climate and Culture) At my student’s school…

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/NA
my student is safe.
as a parent/guardian, I feel welcome.
my student feels included and a part of the school community.
there is an adult my child trusts and can go to for help with a problem.
all students (regardless of ability, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religion, etc.) are included in all school activities (performances, class trips, etc.).
teachers and staff treat all students with respect.
families and the community are encouraged to be involved with the school in various ways (e.g. assist in classrooms, participate in school/class activities, etc.).
a parent/family room is provided for volunteers and family members (to meet, support the school, and access resources about parenting, tutoring, etc.).
flexible volunteering opportunities and schedules are available, accommodating participation of working families.

Question Title

* 12. (Decision Making) My student’s school…

  Yes No Don't Know/NA
has an active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and/or other parent organizations.
includes parent representatives on the school’s site council and other committees.
involves parents in organized, ongoing, and timely ways in planning and improving school programs.
invites parent involvement from all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and other groups in the school.
includes students (with parents) in decision-making groups.

Question Title

* 13. The supports that would be helpful in allowing me to attend student/parent/teacher conferences, parent meetings and other important school events are…(Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 14. The times of day for school events (conferences, meetings, etc.) that work best for me and support my participation are… (Please check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 15. The topics about my child’s education I would be most interested in learning more about are...(Please check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 16. (Community Collaboration) Our school…

  Yes No Don't know No, and I would like the info
provides a resource directory for parents and students on community agencies, services, and programs.
involves families in locating and using community resources.
works with local business industries, libraries, parks, museums, and other organizations on programs to enhance student skills and learning.
provides resources at the school for family services through partnerships with counseling, health, recreation, job training and other agencies.

Question Title

* 17. Please answer the following questions about potential after-school programs...

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know/NA
I am interested in a safe place for my child(ren) to be after school.
I am interested in a no cost or low cost after-school program at my child's school.
An after school program that offers academic support and enrichment would be helpful for my child(ren).