There  will be no Presentation Day this season. Trophies will be hopefully made available for collection from 15th or 16th May 2019  This will be advised to all clubs shortly. 
Winners and Runners Up in every division will receive 13 trophies for U12  and 16 trophies for U13 - U18 
 If any extras are required then they must be ordered by completing this order form below.
The deadline for ordering trophies for a guaranteed delivery for inclusion with the rest to be collected  is Monday 13th May 2019. Orders placed after that juncture will need to be collected at the AGM.

Question Title

* 1. Name of Club

Question Title

* 2. Team Name 

Question Title

* 4. Division

Question Title

* 5. Name of person placing order

Question Title

* 6. Email address of person placing order

Question Title

* 7. Phone number of person placing order

Question Title

* 8. Number of extra WINNERS trophies required @ £10per trophy (Put 0 if none)

Question Title

* 9. Number of extra RUNNERS - UP trophies required @ £10per trophy (Put 0 if none)

Question Title

* 10. Total amount of order i.e. £10 per trophy ordered

Question Title

* 11. To complete the order payment  must now  be made by BACS transfer payment to Surrey Youth League Sort Code 20- 35-35 Account Number 33974340 Please show EXTRO and a Club name i.e. EXTROBEFC for Barnes Eagles  as a reference. Payment must be made at the time of booking or the ORDER WILL NOT BE PROCESSED.