Question Title

* 1. What do you like about the Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging?

Question Title

* 2. What could be added to the Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging?

Question Title

* 3. Coordinated Housing and Supportive Services - What do you need in your home to live independently? What about your home makes it harder to live independently? What changes to your home and community would help you live more independently?

Question Title

* 4. Age-Friendly Communities - What supports you in connecting with people and opportunities that support your health and well-being? What are some things that make it hard to connect with people and engage in activities that support your health and well-being? What would make it easier to remain connected with people and opportunities for your health and well-being?

Question Title

* 5. Increased Access to Long-Term Services and Supports - Do you have enough support to keep living independently in your home and community as you age? What are some things that make it hard to get the support you need to live independently as you age? What would make it easier to get the support you need to live independently as you age?

Question Title

* 6. Aligned Health Care and Supportive Services - What health and social services support your health, well-being, and functioning? Are there things about the health and social services available in your community that make it harder to support your health, well-being, and functioning? What changes in the health and social services available in your community would help support your health, well-being, and functioning as you age?

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* 7. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Question Title

* 8. Tell us about you (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. If desired, additional documents can be uploaded here. Click “Choose File” to upload your documents.

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