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Event Survey

Please fill out the survey below for the Florida American Legion Riders In-State Unity Ride and ALR State Rally. We would appreciate any and all feedback regarding both events.

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* 1. How would you rate your overall experience with the In-State Unity Ride?

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* 2. If you registered for the In-State Unity Ride, which route did you choose?

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* 3. How do you think next year’s In-State Unity Ride should be?

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* 4. Did you enjoy the ALR State Rally and like the venue at OCC?

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* 5. Did you like the ALR State Rally being the day after the Unity Ride?

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* 6. Did you create a fundraising page when you registered for the In-State Unity Ride?

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* 7. What did you think of the Incentive Prizes?

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* 8. If you could make a change to either the In-State Unity Ride or the ALR State Rally, What would it be?

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* 9. The quality of the some of the hotels were not up to par. Would you be willing to spend $30-$50 more per night to upgrade our hotel stays?

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* 10. What are you willing to do to help make the Riders program even more successful next year? Would you volunteer? If so, doing what? Please contact our Chairman, Jim Wineland or Adjutant, Beverly Wooten and let us know!

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