Thank you for your interest in applying for the Hebrew College/IYUN Teaching Fellowship in Adult Learning for Winter/Spring 2023.

All Fellowship applications are to be submitted no later than Monday, December 5. You will receive a confirmation email upon submitting your application. For questions about the application form or process, or the Fellowship itself, please contact Open Circle Director of Specialized Programming, Ahava Rosenthal at

Applications will be reviewed by the Fellowship team. We will notify applicants by December 22, regarding their status of the course proposal.

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* 1. Title (if applicable) i.e. Rabbi, Dr.

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* 2. First name (Legal name)

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* 3. Preferred First name if different from Legal name.  If it is the same, write "same."

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* 4. Last Name

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* 5. Current year in Hebrew College Rabbinical School (*if graduated, list year of ordination)

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* 6. Email Address 

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* 7. Cell phone number

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* 8. Legal street address for tax purposes (At this time all Fellowship applicants  must have an address in the U.S.)

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* 9. Local Residence if different from Legal Residence

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* 10. Indicate three of the curriculum topics that you are most interested in teaching.

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* 11. Proposed dates for the class (courses can start as early as March 1st and end no later than June 15. 

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* 12. Proposed start time for the class (each session is 90 minutes). Also, please share any time/scheduling constraints you have.

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* 13. Please list your previous teaching experience.

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* 14. Describe a time you built a community of people from the ground up and/or recruited for a program or event. Include details on what was involved in that process (maximum 150 words)

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* 15. Why are you interested in this Fellowship? (maximum 150 words).

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* 16. What is the community you’re hoping to build through your Open Circle class?  What is the need you’re responding to?  What strategy or strategies do you plan or hope to use to get there?

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* 17. Please provide us with a brief (maximum 150 words) bio of yourself that includes professional and educational experiences as they relate to this proposed Fellowship, including previous courses taught at Hebrew College. Please indicate if your bio is currently listed on the Hebrew College Community Education Faculty webpage.

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* 18. Class location preference 

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* 19. If you responded "in-person" to the above question, where would you hold the class?

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* 20. If you responded "Remote via Zoom" to the above question, do you have access to a Zoom Pro Account, which permits scheduling meetings that exceed the 30 minute time limit of Zoom free accounts

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* 21. The HC-IYUN Fellowship includes six 90-minute training sessions twice a month from February through April.  Indicate which time frame will work for you. *Please note that we are juggling multiple schedules with a diversity of candidates so your flexibility is greatly appreciated.  The training dates will be confirmed soon.