Teaching Online at Fanshawe College
How long have you been teaching at Fanshawe
This is my first course teaching at Fanshawe
Less then 1 year at Fanshawe
Less then 3 years at Fanshawe but more then 1 year
Less than 5 years at Fanshawe but more than 3 years
Over 5 years at Fanshawe
What survey tools do you use in your online class?
Poll Everywhere
Survey Monkey
Ka hoot
Google Forms
Other (please specify)
Fanshawe College provides student surveys for each course, how do you use the results of these surveys?
I was not aware of them
I don't use them at all
I find the results not helpful at all. The surveys are biased towards students who do not like the course
I read them each semester and use the feedback to improve my course
Other (please specify)
Current Progress,
0 of 3 answered