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The Regional Chamber, in collaboration with Sapientia Ventures, Huntington, HBK and Brouse McDowell, will honor 20 family-owned businesses at the Valley’s third annual Family-Owned Business Recognition Dinner, to be held March 1 at The Lake Club in Poland.
This event is a continuation of the Family-Owned Business Program, an informative panel series that launched in 2021 and culminated in the inaugural recognition dinner. The program was designed to help family businesses of all sizes and industries with succession planning, including maximizing value, understanding tax implications and myriad other aspects during the transition of a business. 
The dinner event showcases the successes and importance of family-owned businesses in our community, and at our 2024 event, Rob Cochran, president & CEO of #1 Cochran, will address our nominees and audience with a keynote presentation.
Of the 20 selected honorees, one will be chosen from each category as the recipient of a special award. The five unique categories, listed below, are designed to highlight a family-owned business or individual that has excelled in each. Submissions are due by January 10.
In addition to receiving recognition at the event, all 20 selected nominees will be highlighted on various forms of social media and in the Chamber’s Valley Business Magazine.
Eligible nominees must:
Operate in Trumbull, Mahoning or Columbiana counties
Have a representative attend the dinner
Be family-owned (with exception of the advocate award)
Be available to film a short video that will play during the dinner.
The categories are as follows:

Sapientia Ventures Success in Succession: This category highlights a well-executed and unique succession plan that occurred in recent years. Please emphasize how the deal came together, what factors were driving the deal and how the company is performing afterward.

Huntington Social Impact Award: This category is focused on a family-owned business that went above and beyond to support the community while leveraging the business. Nominees should show how the business has made a difference to the community in a positive way.

Family-Owned Business Advocate of the Year: This award goes to either a business or an individual that was involved in an initiative that supported the family-owned business ecosystem locally.

Brouse McDowell Local to National Presence: This award goes to a family-owned business that has managed to develop a national or global presence while remaining family-owned.

HBK Growth Story: This award is for a family-owned business that took its enterprise to the next level. This could be a business that creatively changed its business model or experienced phenomenal growth.
Please select what category you are submitting the business/individual for (you can nominate for multiple categories) and provide a description as to why they should win. Submissions should not exceed 600 words.

A. Please convey why this story is unique and impressive.
B. Effectively communicate what challenges or opportunities were championed within the submission.
C. Highlight unique partnerships that may have resulted from this endeavor.
D. If you submit for multiple awards, please ensure that you are providing a unique narrative for each category selected.
Direct all questions to Kim Calvert | (330) 744.2131, ext. 1235

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* Please provide contact information for the company you are nominating

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