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1. What is your most common response in a stressful situation?

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2. Are you easily able to recognize your internal emotional state?

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3. Have you practiced mindfulness in the last week?

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4. Have you journaled in the last week to reflect on your emotions and internal state?

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5. Do you find that your actions and habits in the last week align with your values and goals?

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6. Do you meditate on a regular basis?

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7. Have you practiced meal planning for the week? This can include any or all meals for the week.

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8. Do you make time for your self on a weekly or monthly basis to do something you enjoy?

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9. Do you make sure to get outside for at least 10-15 minutes each day?

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10. Did you get at least six to eight hours of sleep on the majority of the days this week?

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11. During the last week, did you say or write down any positive affirmations about yourself?

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12. Do you regularly set yourself up for success by preparing things for the next day? This could include checking your schedule, setting your clothes out or prepping your meals.

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13. Did you make your bed once in the last three days?

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14. Do you get up and move your body at least once every hour?

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15. Did you complete a workout you enjoy at least twice this week?