Tell PeaceHealth Southwest administration to
Retain Our Nurses!
We support the PHSW nurses and demand a response to their proposals from last year!
The nurses are tired of empty words from administration claiming to value and respect those of us who have continued to care for our community despite unprecedented obstacles. The hospital claims to value retention of skilled nurses and a desire to retain them but have failed to take any action to prevent nurses from leaving. The nurses demand action now to show the employers commitment to retaining staff. Our ask is that administration respond as soon as possible with a good faith counteroffer to our proposal submitted on Dec. 29, 2021.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information

Question Title

* 2. Any additional information you would like passed on to PeaceHealth Southwest management:

Thank you for adding your name to this petition.  If you have questions, please contact WSNA Nurse Organizer Ryan Rosenkranz at