Connect and Support Harvard’s Women Entrepreneurs

The HarvardAE Council for Women Entrepreneurs (The Council) is a dynamic network of alumni and friends who are passionate about elevating female entrepreneurs to new heights.

Please note: All Council Members are expected to be paid members of HarvardAE. To become a member, go to

Use the form below to tell us about yourself and your interests and someone from our team will get back to you.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at

Thank you for your interest in HarvardAE's Council for Women Entrepreneurs

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Job Title

Question Title

* 3. Industry/Sector

Question Title

* 4. Harvard Affiliation, School, and Graduation Year

Question Title

* 5. Harvard Email (If Applicable)

Question Title

* 6. LinkedIn Profile

Question Title

* 7. I'm interested in (select up to 3):

Question Title

* 8. Why are you interested in joining The Council?

Question Title

* 9. Are there any speakers, event spaces, resources, or companies that we should connect with? If you have a relationship with any of these, please note that in your comments.

Question Title

* 10. Any additional thoughts or questions that you would like to share with us?