1. Volunteers of America - Greater New York Survey

The survey will take approximately 8 minutes to complete.
We are interested in what you think about the services you received, the staff who provided it, and the results of this care. Survey responses can not be used to identify who you are. Thank you for filling out this survey and helping us to improve our services. 

All survey submissions are completely anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. Age

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* 2. What is your gender identity?

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* 3. How long have you been receiving services from VOA-GNY?

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* 5. The services offered at my program are relevant to my needs.

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* 6. The program staff treats me with dignity and respect.

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* 7. I participate in the development of my goals (short & long term).

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* 8. My rights and responsibilities were explained to me, and I received a copy.

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* 9. I received an orientation to the program during the admission process and the different services available.

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* 10. The program staff is speak with me about my questions and concerns.

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* 11. The program is sensitive to my cultural needs.

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* 12. The program staff cares about my future success.

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* 13. I feel safe here.

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* 14. Program Staff helps me connect with positive relationships in my life and the community.

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* 15. As a Direct Result of the Services I Receive at this Program, I can better manage my life.

12% of survey complete.