Residential Chickens Question Title * 1. How familiar are you with the concept of residential chickens? Extremely familiar Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not so familiar Not at all familiar OK Question Title * 2. Would you consider having chickens? Extremely interested Very interested Somewhat interested Not so interested Not at all interested OK Question Title * 3. Do you feel others should be allowed to have chickens? Yes Maybe No OK Question Title * 4. If so, what rules do you feel should be established to allow having chickens? No neighbor approval required Annual permitting Rear yard only Single family homes only Application with neighbor notice Public hearing process for neighbor objection No slaughtering No sales of eggs or trade in chickens Require neighbor approval Hens only Limited number (example: each require 16 square feet of space, max of 4) Cleaned by owner daily Setback from neighbors (example: 30 feet from neighboring home) Only in coops Consent for inspection at any reasonable time Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. Are you in the 5th District of Glendale? Yes No, but Glendale Resident No, not Glendale Resident Not sure, but Glendale Resident Name and/or Address (optional) OK Question Title * 6. Other Comments OK DONE