Consumer Interest Survey for a New Healthcare App

General Questions

1.What wearable tracker do you currently use?
2.How often do you use your wearable tracker?
3.How important is your health to you?
4.Which health topics are most important to you? Select all that apply.
5.How interested are you in using AI guides for daily healthcare advice?
6.How important is gamification in motivating you to track your health metrics?
7.What features would you like to see in a healthcare app?
8.Do you have any concerns about using AI for healthcare advice? If so, what are they?
9.How much would you be willing to pay (per month in USD) for a healthcare app that consolidates and optimizes your healthcare journey?
10.Do you already use a healthcare app (Apple Health, Finch, Whoop Tracker, etc.)? If so, which app(s)?