Tessa Chesher, DO, IMH-E
Rebecca Leigh Hubbard, PhD, LPC(c), CFLE
Sunday, May 7, 2023
10 - 11 am
(Dr. Chesher is affiliated with HRSA/ODMHSAS: OKCAPMAP is funded by a grant that runs through HRSA to ODMHSAS and then to OSU-CHS. I am the PI of this grant; ODMHSAS - received funding from ODMHSAS for the IMH ECHO and IMH consultation; Chickasaw Nation - received funding from Chickasaw Nation for education for OKCAPMAP - the PI on this grant; Humana - Humana has donated to OKCAPMAP; United Healthcare - United has donated to OKCAPMAP. Dr. Hubbard is affiliated with Grant support for OKCAPMAP from Oklahoma Department of Mental Health, Telligen Community Initiative, United Healthcare, Humana Healthy Horizons, and Chickasaw Nation)

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* 1. Rating

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* 2. Invite Dr. Chesher back?

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* 3. Invite Dr. Hubbard back?

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