The Pastor Search Committee is seeking input from church members and regular attendees (aged 16+) for a two-fold purpose: 1) to identify the traits you desire in the person of a Pastor. Additionally, we want to get some of your thoughts regarding the Church. When completeing this survey, on questions where you do not have a strong preference, please feel free to use the "No Preference" option where provided.

Question Title

* 1. Personal Information

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* 2. I prefer the new Pastor be:

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* 3. I prefer that the new Pastor's education be at a minimum a:

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* 4. I prefer that the new Pastor have Pastoral experience of:

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* 5. I prefer the new Pastor to have the following leadership style:

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* 6. I prefer the new Pastor's preaching style to be:

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* 7. I prefer the new Pastor's sermons to emphasize:

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* 8. I prefer the new Pastor be viewed as: Rank from 1-6, with one being the highest priority and 6 being the lowest.

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* 9. The most important priorities needed for a Pastor in our church are: Rank from 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest priority and 10 being the lowest.

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* 10. I prefer the new Pastor to be:

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* 11. I prefer the new Pastor:

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* 12. I prefer the new Pastor:

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* 13. I prefer the new Pastor be:

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* 14. I prefer the new Pastor be:

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* 15. I feel the new Pastor must have a background in the Conservative Baptist Association/Venture Church Network: