
Internet-based survey on the treatment of biceps tendinopathy: do surgical specialists respond differently than sports medicine specialists or practitioners?
The function of this voluntary research survey is to compare and contrast the approaches between board-certified surgeons, sports medicine and rehabilitation specialists, and other veterinary rehabilitation professionals regarding the treatment of pathologic biceps tendon conditions.
The results of this survey, combined with currently available literature, will be used toward creating a consensus of when surgical versus non-surgical treatment is indicated, and what the appropriate non-surgical treatments are. Completion of this survey requires approximately 4-5 minutes.
We are grateful for the time taken from your busy schedule to participate. Your answers will help develop a best practices treatment protocol that can serve veterinarians as a template to treat biceps tendon conditions.
If you choose, you may stop participation in this study with no penalty. No personal identification information will be collected as part of this survey, so there are no concerns regarding loss of confidentiality. You will receive no financial remuneration for participating in this survey. Please email David Lane at if you have any additional questions about this research.
David Lane
Dirsko von Pfeil
Michael Kowaleski

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* 1. What degrees, certifications, or diplomas do you possess? (check all that apply)

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* 2. Approximately how many dogs with bicipital tendinopathy, and/or bicipital tenosynovitis, have you treated?

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* 3. In your opinion and/or experience, does transecting the biceps tendon increase the chance of secondary shoulder region morbidities or degeneration long-term that will result in clinically relevant gait changes?

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* 4. In your opinion, does the biceps tendon contribute to shoulder stability in any meaningful way?