Stanly County Winter Wine Festival Survey

Stanly County Winter Wine Festival Survey

Thank you for attending the Stanly County Winter Wine Festival in the past. As we take the time to thoughtfully reimagine this beloved event, we would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback will help us create a better, more memorable experience in the future!
1.What aspects of the Stanly County Winter Wine Festival did you most enjoy in the past? (Please select all that apply.)
2.Were there any aspects of the festival that you felt could have been improved? (Please describe any suggestions or areas of improvement.)
3.What would make you more likely to attend the festival again in the future?
4.How important is it to you that the Winter Wine Festival continues to support Albemarle Downtown’s local businesses and community development (e.g., beautification projects, economic stimulus grants)?
5.What are your expectations or hopes for the reimagined Wine Festival? (Feel free to share any ideas, features, or changes you would like to see in the future.)