SUNY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION 2019-2020 Thank you for your interest in the SUNY Workforce Development Training Grant. This grant is designed to provide funding for employee training projects at businesses within New York State and connect them with the workforce training resources at community colleges. It is part of the larger Workforce Development Initiative awarded through the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA;; however, only the community colleges are eligible to apply for this specific funding program.Individual companies may apply, or groups of companies may apply as a consortium to share the costs and planning and implementation of training. Applications for this competitive grant will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are depleted or training timelines are no longer viable. Projects must conclude by June 30, 2020. Any company with two or more employees within the SUNY Adirondack’s service area of Warren, Washington and northern Saratoga counties is eligible to apply. The employer is required to commit to a percentage of matching funds. Regional Economic Development Councils (REDCs) will play a critical role in recommending projects in accordance with their region's economic and workforce development plans. Training projects should align with strategic regional efforts and meet businesses' short-term workforce needs, address long-term industry needs, improve regional talent pipelines, enhance flexibility and adaptability of local workforce entities, and/or expand workplace·leaming opportunities. Applications for funding will be evaluated on criteria such as partnerships and collaboration, leveraged funds, measurable and achievable performance targets, and transferable training accreditation. Priority is given to businesses that are newly relocated to New York State and those businesses that are start-ups and are expanding their operations and/or creating new jobs. Consideration will also be given to employers that seek to use training to improve productivity, efficiency, effectiveness or profitability; maintain operations in New York or retain jobs; or show promise of increased sales, new products, or new markets. In addition, small firms which would not be able to afford training without assistance and businesses that show clear links to the economic development objectives of the region will also be considered. SUNY Adirondack administers the grants and works with employers to find the appropriate training providers for approved workforce development training projects. For more information, please contact Erin Krivitski, PsyD at 518.832.7604 or via email at Please address all of the following questions to create a complete proposal and click "DONE" below to submit. BUSINESS PROFILE: Question Title * 1. Identify the primary contact person for this grant, the business name and address, the county in which it is located, and the contact’s email address and phone number below. Contact Name * Contact Title/Role * Company * Address City/Town * State/Province * ZIP/Postal Code * County * Contact Email Address * Contact Phone Number * Question Title * 2. Indicate which of the following best describes your business. For Profit Not For Profit Government Organization (state, county, city, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Categorize your business in terms of the industry. (Please check all that apply.) Manufacturing/Industrial Hospitality Tourism/Travel Professional Services Financial Services Human Services Healthcare Media and Marketing Technology and Related Services Education Arts, Culture, Entertainment, and Recreation Agriculture Retail Food/Beverage Service Government/Municipal Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Identify your company's primary product(s) or service(s). Question Title * 5. Identify the total number of employees in NYS in your organization. Question Title * 6. Indicate if your business has previously been awarded the SUNY Workforce Development Grant funds (i.e., yes or no). If "yes," please identify in what year and what training projects were completed and the impact of prior funding and explain why funding is needed again to support the company's training program. Please note that this competitive grant is based on need and strength of application and that applications from employers who have not been funded through this grant previously may be given priority. Question Title * 7. Indicate whether your business is (please check all that apply) newly located to New York State expanding business operations a new business requiring training for start-up creating new jobs retaining jobs seek to improve productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability through training align with the REDC regions' economic and workforce development plans, goals, and strategies a small business that would not be able to afford training without grant assistance N/A - none of these apply Other Proposed Training Project Question Title * 8. Describe the training initiative(s) that you would implement using the SUNY Workforce Development Grant funds. **Please note: Funds from this grant may NOT be used for employee wages; equipment; software packages or annual licenses; consultation costs; completing a needs assessment; tuition for credit courses; or purchasing packaged, off-the-shelf, non-customized training programs. The focus of this grant is customized training in collaboration with a community college. Please be realistic regarding the training project and your organization’s and employees’ ability to commit to completing it in the allotted timeline - as not using all money allocated to an approved project may jeopardize future grant funding.** Please be as clear and concise as possible in outlining the training project by addressing the items below; some or all of this information may be used publicly to describe the project and report on the impact of funding. The type or focus of employee training: The target audience for the training -- employees' roles/titles, responsibilities, etc.: The purpose and intended outcomes of the training - what participants will learn or skills they will gain from the training: Preferred timeline for program - that is, suggested start and finish dates (e.g., based on budget cycle, productivity cycles, other anticipated projects, etc.), as well as any project milestones: What might influence scheduling of training sessions (e.g., shifts, competing priorities, etc.); if none, please write "none": Examples of any training proposals obtained in advance (i.e., please identify instructors or training companies, total costs or per person costs, etc. pre-determined); if none, please write "none": The estimated number of incumbent/existing employees to be trained: The estimated number of new employees to be trained: Other relevant information; if none, please write "none": Question Title * 9. Partnerships: The CFA encourages partnerships with local and regional partners to support maximum impact, cost effectiveness, and regional problem solving. Please check all that apply and indicate whether your business is partnering with one or more other businesses to share training programs and costs for employees (consortium; please identify partners and their respective roles) willing to consider partnering with other businesses (consortium; please identify any potential partners or limitations to partnerships) collaborating with other state and community agencies on training or other initiatives (please identify partners or collaborating agencies) not applicable Please explain your answer(s). Question Title * 10. Please indicate whether you (and/or your partners, if any) have completed a similar or other training projects in the past AND provide any details about the funding awarded, outcomes, etc. (If not, please write "no" in the space provided.) Question Title * 11. Required Match (Cash): Confirm that your business is able to commit to the 25% required cash match of the total project costs. Yes No Question Title * 12. Other funds: Indicate if your business is able to leverage other funds from other grants, resources, etc. and explain the source and anticipated amount. (If none, please write "none" in the textbox.) Question Title * 13. Final Reporting: Confirm that you will commit to preparing a letter on company letterhead outlining the benefits and impact of training, as well as attesting to meeting the required match at the end of the training project. Yes No Impact of Training Project Question Title * 14. Identify with which Capital Region economic and workforce development plans, goals, and strategies this training project aligns (see; please check all that apply: leverage and collaborate open new doors prepare for tomorrow build a superhighway bring cities to life celebrate and optimize our surroundings showcase our beauty spotlight our strengths next-tech talent gateway lift-off metro creative economy meet long-term industry needs, improve regional talent pipelines, and expand apprenticeships. improve regional talent pipelines focus on regionally significant industries in emerging fields with growing demands for jobs, including those in clean energy, life sciences, computer science, and advanced technologies creation of opportunities for populations which traditionally face barriers to career advancement, including women and young workers, individuals living in poverty, veterans, ex-offenders, immigrants, refugees, and persons with special needs Question Title * 15. Explain HOW this training project aligns with and/or addresses the objectives of the Capital Region economic and workforce development plans, goals, and strategies you identified above (Q 14) and WHAT makes it a regional economic priority: Question Title * 16. Please indicate whether you have presented this project or components of it to an REDC in the past AND provide any details about the funding awarded, outcomes, etc. (If not, please write "no" in the space provided.) Question Title * 17. Please briefly summarize the anticipated impact and/or the final outcome if this project is successful by filling in the blank: As a result of this training, _________________ will be different or improved at my organization. Question Title * 18. Describe how the training project will improve productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and/or profitability of your business. For example, explain how this training may allow your business to increase sales, introduce new products, or reach new markets influence systems or processes, or other. Question Title * 19. Explain how this training is vital for your business to remain in NY state, essential to survival of the business, required for job retention, and/or addressing the workforce problems and opportunities faced in the region. Question Title * 20. How can we measure the impact of this training project on your business? What data does your company have now or could collect to prove training made a different and/or solved a problem? Question Title * 21. Describe what you will do if the full amount of funding is not awarded and/or become unavailable unexpectedly after funding is awarded. Question Title * 22. Additional comments or information that may be relevant to this application; if none, please state "none." Proposal Submission: Please select "DONE" to submit your proposal. SUNY Adirondack Office of Continuing Education staff will contact you to request additional information needed. Thank you for your submission! DONE