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Beds SU seeks your views to help shape our impact for students

This survey has a series of short questions and should take max. 10 minutes to complete. Complete the survey and you could be one of the FIVE lucky students to WIN a £100 CASH PRIZE!!!!

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* 1. Please enter your student ID number

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* 2. Beds SU is INDEPENDENT from the University and your answers are CONFIDENTIAL!

None of your answers will be shared with your course or the University. When we analyse the survey we won't publish anything that could identify you.

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* 3. Do you identify with any of the following student or personal characteristics? Please select any/all that apply:

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* 4. Do you feel you were sufficiently informed about Beds SU (your Students' Union), its role and services, when you started your course?

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* 5. Please tell us your awareness/engagement with your students' union activities. Tick all that apply:

  I am well-informed or have engaged I'd like to know more I'm not interested
Promoting student issues and interests in your studies
Student rights and concerns at the University
Independent advice for students (e.g. help with your course)
Societies and extra-curricular activities
Events, cultural activities and social opportunities
Environment and sustainability campaigns

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* 6. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
“The Students’ Union creates positive change in the University”
“The Students' Union offers good support for students”
“I would seek support from Beds SU if I needed help”

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* 7. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
“The Students’ Union represents student voices, including their opinions and their needs”
“I am satisfied with the Students’ Union”
“It is clear that the Students' Union is independent of the University”
You'll now have three questions where you are asked to indicate two options from a list:
  • From the options given, select the one option as the best way for Beds SU to engage with you, and
  • From the options given, select the one that is the worst way for Beds SU to engage with you

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* 8. Of the options listed below, select two: one which is the BEST, and one which is the WORST method for Beds SU to engage with you during your course?

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* 9. We now ask the same question with some different options. As the previous question, please select two: one which is the BEST, and one which is the WORST method for Beds SU to engage with you during your course?

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* 10. For the final time we ask the same question with some different options. As the previous questions, please select two: one which is the BEST, and one which is the WORST method for Beds SU to engage with you during your course?

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* 11. What would enhance your student experience.

Please select a maximum of THREE that you feel are most important to you as a student.