Sultan Superintendent Profile Survey

Your responses to the following questions will assist the Sultan School District School Board and Northwest Leadership Associates develop the position description and leadership profile that will guide the selection of the next superintendent. Thank you for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts. Please continue to watch the school district's web site for additional ways to provide input to the Board regarding the selection of the next superintendent. PLEASE NOTE: You will only be allowed to submit this survey one time from this computer.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following organization characteristics in terms of the degree to which they are currently STRENGTHS OF THE SULTAN SCHOOL DISTRICT.

  A significant weakness Somewhat of a weakness Somewhat of a strength A significant strength
Overall quality of education for students
Student performance
Community support for schools and kids
Community support for levies and bond measures
Parent support and engagement
Effective teachers
Effective support staff
Effective central office administration
Effective building principals
Sound leadership from the Board of Directors
High expectations for student achievement
Curriculum and academic programs that meet a wide variety of student interests and needs
Student activities, including athletics, that meet a wide variety of student interests and needs
Sound financial management
School buildings and other facilities
Provides a diverse, inclusive culture for all

Question Title

* 2. In addition to the above, what OTHER STRENGTHS of the Sultan School District do you believe are important to the selection of the next superintendent?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the following DISTRICT CHALLENGES in relationship to their importance for the selection of the next superintendent.

  Not important Somewhat Important Very important Extremely important
Improve the academic achievement of students
Graduation rates/dropout rates
Student growth rates
Be visible regularly in schools and classrooms
Be visible and active in community
Provide responsible financial management of district resources
Develop/maintain comprehensive and effective communications with the community, staff and Board
Develop/maintain community support for schools, including the passage of special levies
Develop/maintain effective working relationship with the School Board
Develop/maintain strong and effective working relationships with district employees
Develop/maintain a process for collaboration and shared decision-making
Address facility needs, including the passage of needed bond issues
Recruit, employ and retain top quality staff
Effectively advocate for the district, its students and public education with state and national policy makers

Question Title

* 4. In addition to the above, what OTHER CHALLENGES do you think are important to consider in the selection of the next superintendent?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS in the level of their importance for the selection of the next superintendent.

  Not important Somewhat Important Very important Extremely important
Prior experience as a classroom teacher
Prior experience as a principal or building-level administrator
Prior experience as a superintendent or central-office administrator
Prior experience in a district of similar size and demographics
Demonstrated experience in financial management
Leadership experience outside the field of education (e.g. military or business)
A Washington State Superintendent's Certificate (not required by state)
A doctoral degree

Question Title

* 6. In addition to the above, what OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS do you think are important to consider in the selection of the next superintendent?

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the following PERSONAL QUALITIES in the level of their importance in the selection of the next superintendent.

  Not important Somewhat important Very important Extremely important
Strong communication skills
A good listener
High energy level
Honesty and integrity
Collaborative decision-making process
Open, accessible leadership style
Willingness to identify and tackle problems
Willingness to make and stand behind hard decisions
A strong vision for educational excellence
Creativity and ability to inspire and "think outside the box"
Team-building skills
Willingness to be an active, engaged part of the community
Empathy and compassion

Question Title

* 8. In addition to the above, what OTHER PERSONAL QUALITIES do you think are important to consider in the selection of the next superintendent?

Question Title

* 9. In addition to the above, WHAT ELSE do you think is important for the School Board to consider in the selection of the next superintendent?