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Recently, The ECC and the HOA Boards negotiated and agreed on a new Bi-Party Agreement. The residents were not allowed to vote on or to approve the agreement. Several provisions of the agreement include raising the annual fees on RSM by $1,200 over the next 3 years, creating a new RSM II category with initial annual dues starting at $7,000 and increasing annually by a minimum of 5%, and adding a $10,000 initiation fee that goes to the ECC on the sale of any Eastpointe property where the new owner chooses to be a RSM II verses a golf member (where they pay a higher initiation fee). This survey is designed to understand how residents feel about the new agreement. Only legal Eastpointe homeowners should respond to this particular survey. Names and addresses will be matched against the HOA database to ensure compliance.

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* 1. Please provide your Name and address.

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* 2. What type of member are you in the Community / Country Club?

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* 3. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being very satisfied and 5 being very dissatisfied, "How satisfied are you with the new Bi-Party Agreement?"

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* 4. The HOA Board approved the Bi-Party Agreement without allowing a resident vote. We now have a legal opinion that the process used by the Board to approve the Bi-Party Agreement, was flawed and that Fl Statute Chapter 720 requires that the Bi-Party agreement, which runs as a covenant with the property, should have been noticed 14 days in advance of the HOA Board vote and then submitted to the residents to be voted on to approved or reject. We also have learned that other serious issues exist on the process used by the Board. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means strongly support and 5 means strongly non-support, do you support the existing Bi-Party agreement now knowing that it was improperly approved by the HOA Board?

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* 5. If the new Bi-Party Agreement were to be challenged in court by the residents, in order to have the courts void the agreement, on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means strongly support and 5 means strongly non-support, do you support a class action lawsuit by the residents to void the current Bi-Party Agreement?

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* 6. It is alleged that the current ECC Board is implementing intimidation policies to censor and silence dissent by members about new ECC policies. Some are saying that new policies are being implemented to drive older resident and non-resident golfers from the the current existing golf memberships to allow new outside resident full golf members to join the club. It is estimated that over 100 resident golfers and another 25+ total golf members have left the club over the last 2 years, or submitted resignations to leave this year. Most of these golfers have been members for 20+ years. The ECC has announced that 74 new non-resident golfers have been signed up to the club. Some complaints are that the new policies are geared to increase the golf experience to attract higher initiation fees. Unfortunately, it is also alleged that the higher initiation fees and high annual dues are making it harder to sell homes inside of Eastpointe and reducing the numbers of new buyers buying golf memberships. The resident complaints revolve around the issue that new policies are not resident friendly and driving more residents away from playing golf, while creating a situation where there is significantly more non-resident golf members (full voting members) than there are resident golf members. This gives the appearance that the Resident Social Members are in fact supporting the golf experience for mostly outside / non-resident golfers. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being strongly support and 5 being strongly do not support, do you support the current direction of the ECC ?

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* 7. If the current Bi-Party agreement is voided by the courts which option do you support?

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* 8. If the residents decide to pursue a class action law suit to void the current Bi-Party Agreement, Would you join the residents as part of the class action suit?

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* 9. If the residents decide to pursue a class action law suit to void the current Bi-Party Agreement, would you support a Go Fund Me legal fund to support legal fees?

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