Research Description

Teachers College, Columbia University
525 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
(212) 678-3000
IRB Protocol #15-333
Principal Researcher: Sophie Lam
Title of Study: An exploration of students’ communication of their study abroad experiences in an online global education program 

Project Description
You are invited to participate in a study that researches how study abroad students communicate their experiences in an online global education program. Your participation in the study can help to advance scholarly knowledge of reflection while studying abroad. Your insights will potentially help to improve the design and implementation of study abroad programs. Your information will be kept confidential in the research study.

Your participation in the study will entail the following:
·      An online survey
·      Permission to analyze your online articles for Reach the World
·      An interview conducted online that will be no more than 60 minutes long in duration
·      A request for mp3 or aiff audiorecording of two videoconferences with your matched classroom, which will be transcribed and used in the analysis. All participants in the audiorecording transcripts will be deidentified and anonymized.

In the interview, you will be asked about your opinions and attitudes regarding your experience as an online travel correspondent for Reach the World. The interview will be conducted online via GoogleHangout or Skype by Sophie Lam, a doctoral candidate at Teachers College, Columbia University, and recorded and transcribed with your permission.

Risks and Benefits
Your participation in the study will contribute to research that investigates how study abroad students reflect upon their experiences in a program of online educational exchange. The potential benefit is improvement to the design and implementation of global education and study abroad programs. The only risks to participation in the study are those associated with an online survey. In exchange for your participation in the study, you will receive $50 upon completion of data collection.

Data Storage
You will not be identified by name at any point in the research findings. The data will be securely stored on an encrypted hard drive and coded. The only individual with access to the data will be the principal researcher.

How the research will be used
The research will be used for a dissertation submitted in fulfillment of partial requirements of a doctoral degree at Teachers College, Columbia University or academic publication. The research will also be used for program evaluation purposes for Reach the World and the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program.

Question Title
