We need your feedback!

Our STREETFACE campaign is aimed at challenging age discrimination - one of the key drivers of elder abuse. 

We ask that you take 3 minutes to answer the below survey to help us measure the impact of our campaign.  Your answers to our survey will be combined with those of other responses, be kept confidential and de-identified.

This campaign is an initiative of the Barwon Elder Abuse Primary Prevention Network. 

For further information please visit our website or contact Barwon Community Legal Service at education@barwoncls.org.au or on 1300 430 599. 

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* 1. Do you look forward to ageing? 

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* 2. Has this campaign impacted how you think about ageing in a positive way? 

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* 3. If you are under 55 years, as a result of seeing this campaign do you now have an increased respect for people as they age?

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* 4. If you are over 55 years, did seeing this STREETFACE campaign make you feel valued as a member of the community?

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* 5. Did you know that ageism is a driver of elder abuse?

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* 6. If we increase respect for older people, do you think the mental health of people as they age would improve? 

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* 7. This campaign links to the #EveryAgeCounts pledge to call out ageism - would you consider signing this pledge to show your support? You can find the link to the pledge here: https://www.everyagecounts.org.au/ 

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* 8. How old are you?

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* 9. What is your postcode?

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* 10. What is your gender?

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* 11. What is your cultural background?