• Deutsch
  • English
  • Magyar

Question Title

* 1. Full name

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* 2. Country

Question Title

* 3. Your online username

Question Title

* 4. Bio(Describe yourself in a few words: what do you do, what kind of person you are, your passions, hobbies and interests, etc.)

Question Title

* 5. Links to your social media channels (Add number of followers per each channel and describe what kind of content you provide)

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* 6. Link to your blog (if any) (Describe your blog in a few words)

Question Title

* 7. Your followers (What types of followers do your channels attract: age, fields of interest, or whatever other data you feel free to share)

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* 8. Have you already collaborated with any Hungarian accommodation?

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* 9. If yes which one?

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* 10. What is your prefered time to travel? (e.g. July-August, pre-season, post-season, autumn, winter...)

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* 11. Let's stay in touch! Leave us your e-mail address and be the first one to receive new collaboration opportunities.

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* 12. Your message to Mjus Resort (Whatever else you want to say!)