Regardless of business being fast or slow, making a living from selling automatically gets translated into making money on the buy, which feeds our compulsion to buy more. While this “condition” has a name--Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD)--it is recognized in only a fraction of Western Society. 

Take our little quiz to determine if your answers place you in the CBD category. If you answer "yes" to two or more questions, you're subject to CBD. Then you can either seek help or go back to shopping. Either way we guarantee you’ll feel better and knowing is half the battle!

Question Title

* 1. Are you an Impulse Shopper?
Compulsive buyers often purchase things on impulse that they can do without. As antique dealers, we deal in items that are unnecessary to survival. These items cannot feed, clothe, or house us. Okay. But is that all we want or need from life? Of course not. And that is where antique dealers enter the picture. We happily provide all the things that you do not need, but that you want. Items that beautify your life. Pieces that add to the pleasure of existing. At least that is what we all tell ourselves when we go out shopping for more inventory. 

Question Title

* 2. Do you Experience a Buyer’s High?
Compulsive shoppers experience a rush of excitement when they buy. In addition to the rush from purchasing an item, we believe there is also the rush from uncovering a treasure, making a score (or potential score) and adding new inventory to an already oversaturated inventory. I mean, we must buy new stuff all the time in order to sell the old stuff. Right?

Question Title

* 3. Are You Prone to Retail Therapy?
Do you shop to dampen unpleasant emotions? Compulsive shopping is an attempt to fill an emotional void, like loneliness, lack of control, or lack of self-esteem.  And you might even go so far to say that you needed a little pick me up. What better way to put a smile on your face than to go out and spend. Don’t you feel better after shopping? We do.

Question Title

* 4. Do You Suffer from Buyer’s Remorse?
Often, purchases are followed by feelings of remorse. But then, then there is the after effect of asking yourself, 'what exactly did I just buy?'... This happens to us only rarely and it almost always has to do with logistics rather than a feeling of guilt about the actual purchase.  We love what we do for a living--or surviving--to be more accurate. Feelings of guilt and/or remorse only surface when we must figure out how to get new purchases back home. 

Question Title

* 5. Do You Hate to Pay with Cash?
Paying with cash is more painful than paying with credit cards. Even if Cash is king. We've all heard it, and we've all said it. But buying with a credit card helps to rack up those air miles and points. Plus, deferring the payment till the end of the month (or next month) is always helpful. Alas, we only shop with cash in its various forms - check, debit card, cash - so we are quite accustomed to the sting of immediate payment. But ask yourself, what is pleasure without a little pain?