Target Online

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* 1. On average, how do you interact with Target Online?

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* 2. Do you pass along Target Online to others?

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* 3. How do you feel about the Target Online original articles?

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* 4. Share your opinion on the features of Target Online

  Very valuable Valuable  Somewhat valuable Not valuable  No opinion 
Industry news and articles in a convenient, easy-to-read format.
Target Online original articles from Becky Morgan.
Target Online original articles from Anne Graham.
Target Online original articles from guest contributors.
Information about upcoming AME events and training 

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* 5. Share your opinion about the following topics in Target Online

  Very valuable Valuable Somewhat valuable Not valuable No opinion 
Enterprise excellence
Manufacturing Technology
Supply Chain
HR Workforce management/leadership

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* 6. If you have additional comments concerning Target Online, please enter them here.

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* 7. Thank you for your feedback on Target online. If you would be willing to spend a few more minutes to offer feedback on Target magazine, we'd love to hear from you!