Family Contact Information

Question Title

* First Name:

Question Title

* Last Name:

Question Title

* Your Phone Number:

Question Title

* Your Email Address:

Question Title

* Parish:
(hint - you can type the first few letters of the organization's city and it should populate for you)

Question Title

* Please give the total number of people you would like to register:

Question Title

* Pictures and/or videos of participants may be taken during the event and placed on the Diocesan website, Diocesan social media accounts, in The Central Minnesota Catholic Magazine, and/or used for other informational purposes by the Diocese of Saint Cloud or parishes participating in this event. Please use the buttons below to agree or disagree to having photos and/or videos of the following people you are registering used in future diocesan media. 

Question Title

* If you, or someone you are registering, is trained as a liturgical minister in your parish, we could use your help during the liturgy. Please select the ministry below that best matches how you are able to help.

If you have questions, or are struggling with registration, please call 320-258-7637 and Christine will help you register.