
St. Tammany Corporation, the economic development organization of St. Tammany Parish, has launched an online survey to capture community feedback regarding the region’s future economic development efforts for St. Tammany Parish and the Northshore region. The survey is part of the development of an updated economic development strategy.
For the community and region’s efforts to be successful, it is important to hear from members of the community. The survey gives you the opportunity to provide feedback on how you feel about the role of economic development, what type of growth and industry you think is best suited for the region and how you feel about the quality of life that you currently enjoy.
The short survey below should only take five minutes, and it will close on Friday, October 25. Please share the survey with friends and family in the region. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Question Title

* 1. From an economic development standpoint, where would you like to see the St. Tammany Parish/the Northshore region in five years? Check the top three.

Question Title

* 2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement about our parish/regional economy? (Agree, Neutral, Disagree)

  Agree Neutral Disagree
All residents have equal access to economic opportunity
Wages and salaries make it possible to maintain my standard of living
Education and job training is available to residents who want or need it
Businesses are growing
Entrepreneurs can start and succeed
The region attracts businesses or is seen as a business destination
The region attracts visitors or is seen as a visitor destination
Local government and business cooperate on community and economic development initiatives
The overall mix of employers (manufacturing, professional, retail business, etc.) is adequate

Question Title

* 3. What do you see as the community’s greatest strengths and biggest weaknesses?
Rank the following on a scale of 1 = Weakness; 2 = Not a strength; 3 = Strength; 4 = Substantial Strength

  1 = Weakness 2 = Not a Strength 3 = Strength 4 = Substantial Strength
Ease of doing business locally/government regulatory environment
Available sites/buildings for new industry or expansions
Workforce skills and availability
Workforce costs
Access and affordability of high-speed internet for home and business
Quality of life amenities
State tax environment
Local tax environment
Connectivity – location, traffic and roadways
Support for existing industry growth and expansion
Technical support of entrepreneurs and small business
Education (public and private)
Opportunities for higher education including technical training
Crime and personal safety
Housing options (rental and home ownership)
Organized business leadership
A shared vision of where the region is going

Question Title

* 4. When it comes to utilities, infrastructure, communications and transportation, how would you rate the following?

  Meets our needs Improvements are Necessary Serious Problems Exist No Opinion
Cell phone service
Internet/broadband services
Parish/city road and streets
Interstates and state highways
Drainage and flood control measures

Question Title

* 5. When it comes to quality of place amenities and facilities, how would you rate the following?

  Meets our needs Improvements are Necessary Serious Problems Exist No Opinion
Park/recreation/trail offerings
Retail and shopping services
Entertainment, nightlife, and dining
Daycare options
Healthcare services
Arts/cultural programs/facilities
Overall community appearance
Citizen involvement

Question Title

* 6. When it comes to educational opportunities and choices, how would you rate the following?

  Meets our needs Improvements are Necessary Serious Problems Exist No Opinion
Pre-school opportunities/choices
Elementary school opportunities/choices
Secondary school opportunities/choices
Post-secondary school opportunities/choices
Other workforce training opportunities/choices

Question Title

* 7. When it comes to housing, how would you rate the following?

  Meets our needs Improvements are Necessary Serious Problems Exist No Opinion
Overall condition of housing stock
Overall affordability of housing
Availability of single-family homes
Availability of apartment units
Affordability of apartment units
Number of buildable lots
Contractor/builder availability
Nursing/assisted living home units

Question Title

* 8. Describe the regulatory landscape and ease of doing business with the various government partners in our landscape.
Rank the following on the scale: 1 = Seamless Process; 2 = Average Process; 3 = Confusing Process; 4 = Challenging Process

  Seamless Process Average Process Confusing Process Challenging Process No Opinion
City/Municipal Government
Parish Government
State Government

Question Title

* 9. What type of businesses and industry growth do you want to see in the St. Tammany Parish and the Northshore region? Please select at least one option.

Question Title

* 10. What do you believe are the biggest challenges for St. Tammany Parish? Please list no more than three.

Question Title

* 11. What do you believe are the biggest strengths of St. Tammany Parish? Please list no more than three.

Question Title

* 12. What should be St Tammany Parish’s and the Northshore region’s top priorities for economic development? What would you like the region to achieve? Please select up to three strategies.

Question Title

* 13. What is your age?

Question Title

* 14. Please note the sector in which you are currently employed. Mark only one response.

Question Title

* 15. How long have you lived in the St. Tammany Parish or the Northshore region?