Transition from child to adult care in Pediatric Neurological Disorders in Europe – a joint EAN-EPNS survey of current practices in Europe for healthcare providers |
Transition is an important step in the management of paediatric patients with neurological disorders to ensure continuous, coordinated and comprehensive care. A successful transition process is also associated with positive outcomes for young adult patients developing and achieving autonomy, learning about their disease and addressing adolescence-related issues (sexual life, relationships, driving license, employment etc.).
However, transition is often a challenging process due to the complexity and sometimes rarity of the pediatric neurological diseases. In addition, despite some already published recommendations on transition of children with chronic neurological disorders to adult healthcare services, these recommendations are far from being widely implemented.
However, transition is often a challenging process due to the complexity and sometimes rarity of the pediatric neurological diseases. In addition, despite some already published recommendations on transition of children with chronic neurological disorders to adult healthcare services, these recommendations are far from being widely implemented.
The EAN (European Academy of Neurology)-EPNS (European Paediatric Neurology Society) Task Force developed this joint survey to better understand the current practices on transition of children and young adults with neurological disorders to the adult healthcare service across Europe and to identify the related barriers.
This Survey shall take you around 10 minutes to complete. Deadline for participation is March 28th, 2025.
Thank you!