City of Cotulla Hazard Mitigation Plan Community Survey

1.Do you live in Cotulla?(Required.)
2.Do you work or own a business in Cotulla?(Required.)
3.Which of the following hazard events have you or has anyone in your household experienced in the past 20 years in Cotulla?
4.How prepared is your household to deal with a hazard event?
5.Which of the following have provided you with useful information to help you be prepared for a hazard event? (check all that apply)
6.Which of the following steps has your household taken to prepare for a hazard event? (check all that apply)
7.Does your household have a plan in the event of a disaster such as a flood, tornado, etc.?
8.Is your property located in a floodplain?
9.Do you have flood insurance?
10.If you do not have flood insurance, why not?
11.How concerned are you about the following hazards in Cotulla? (Check one response for each hazard)
Not Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Very Concerned
Extremely Concerned
Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
Hazardous Materials Incident
Extreme Winter Weather
Fuel Pipeline Failure
Dam Failure
Human Health Hazards: Epidemic/Pandemic
12.Have you experienced any of these impacts in extreme weather? (check all that apply)
13.Which is the most effective way for you to receive information about how to make your home and neighborhood more resistant to hazards?
14.Do you have any special access or functional needs within your household that would require early warning or specialized response during disasters?
15.Was the presence of a natural hazard risk zone (dam failure zone, flood zone, high fire risk area) disclosed to you by a real estate agent, seller, or landlord before you purchased or moved into your home?
16.Would the disclosure of this type of natural hazard risk information influence your decision to buy or rent a home?
17.In your opinion, what are some steps your local government could take to reduce or eliminate the risk of future hazard damages in your neighborhood? (check all that apply)
18.If your property were located in a designated "high hazard" area or had received repetitive damages from a natural hazard event, would you consider a "buyout" offered by a public agency?
19.What types of projects do you believe government agencies should be doing in order to reduce damage and disruption from hazard events within Cotulla? Please rank each option as high, medium, or low priority.
Retrofit and strengthen essential facilities such as police, fire, schools, and hospitals
Retrofit infrastructure such as roads, bridges, drainage facilities, water supply, waste water, and power supply facilities
Capital projects such as dams and drainage improvements
Strengthen codes and regulations to include higher regulatory standards in hazard areas
Acquire vulnerable properties and maintain as open space
Assist vulnerable property owners with securing funding for mitigation
Provide better public information about risk, and the exposure to hazards within the operational area
Perform projects that restore the natural environments capacity to absorb the impacts from natural hazards
Perform projects that mitigate the potential impacts from climate change
20.Would you support the regulation (restriction) of land uses within known high hazard areas?
21.Please tell us if you agree with this statement: Information about the risks associated with natural hazards is available and easy to locate.
22.How long have you lived in Cotulla?(Required.)
23.Please identify your age range.(Required.)
24.Please identify the primary languages spoken in your household (check all that apply)(Required.)
25.Please indicate your highest level of education
26.Do you own or rent your place of residence?(Required.)
27.Please indicate your total household income range.(Required.)