COSA in partnership with ODE.

Please complete ALL questions. RFP's are due no later than December 8, 2017.
The 2018 COSA/ODE EL Alliance RFP’s have a Best Practice emphasis. Preference will be given to proposal that include activities/trainings regarding the following:
  • Academic Success
  • Accountability
  • Address the needs of students with limited English proficiency
  • Best Practices in reading and math especially related to Common Core State Standards
  • College and Career Ready
  • Co-Teaching
  • Dual-Language Models
  • EL & Early Learning
  • EL Special Education
  • Family Engagement
  • How to use data and assessments to improve classroom practice and student learning
  • Refugee/SIFE/Recent Arrivers
  • Rural Schools with Small EL Populations
  • Safety
  • Sessions emphasizing Policy, Accountability, Assessment and Training will be given priority
  • Social Support
  • Technology/Software
  • The improvement of leadership resulting in closing the achievement gap
  • The improvement of teaching practices

Question Title

* 1. Presentation Title:

Question Title

* 2. Presentation Description (maximum 100 word descriptive paragraph to be used in conference program):

Question Title

* 3. List 1-3 key learning outcomes for the participants:

Question Title

* 4. Check the area of your presentation’s primary emphasis. Identified strategies will be identified in the conference program. Areas based on:

Oregon English Learners Statewide Strategic Plan: 2013-2016


Question Title

* 5. Describe the evidence-based practices you will present here:

Question Title

* 6. Target audience for your presentation (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 7. I am an exhibitor submitting an RFP. I understand as an exhibitor I need to co-present with a school/district that has shown outstanding gains.

Question Title

* 8. Preferred Day (There is no guarantee that you will be assigned a time slot on your preferred day; however, we will make every attempt possible to accommodate your request):

Question Title

* 9. Person Submitting Proposal:

Question Title

* 10. Session Presenter - This person will be the primary contact for the conference. PLEASE NOTE: If your proposal is accepted, registration on the day of the presentation is waived for the presenter listed below. If the presenter wishes to attend the other day they must pay an $99 adjusted rate. All other presenters/panelists for the session must register and pay regular registration for the conference.

Question Title

* 11. Name and title of co-presenter(s) to be listed in conference program (co-presenters need to register and pay regular registration rates for the conference):

Applicants will be notified by February 2018.
For questions, please email Suzanne Strite.