Formators National Dialogue Survey Question Title * 1. Would you be interested in participating in a national conversation with other formators and leaders (via Zoom, for about an hour) on the impact of today’s health challenges on religious life and formation? Yes No Question Title * 2. What focus for the call would most appeal to you (choose one)? changes/adaptations of the formation program as a result of the quarantine and new health guidelines (e.g., social distancing) impact of technology (e.g. Zoom meetings and distance learning) on the formation process key learnings from this time of pandemic coping with change, stress and anxiety, grief and loss implications on the formation program of a possible second wave of the virus in the coming year Question Title * 3. What else would appeal to you as a focus of the conversation? changes/adaptations of the formation program as a result of the quarantine and new health guidelines (e.g., social distancing) impact of technology (e.g. Zoom meetings and distance learning) on the formation process key learnings from this time of pandemic coping with change, stress and anxiety, grief and loss implications on the formation program of a possible second wave of the virus in the coming year Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Would you be interested in having RFC host a conversation among those in initial formation (via Zoom) on the impact of today’s health challenges on religious life and formation? Yes No Question Title * 5. When are you generally available to participate in such a conversation? Weekday during the day Weekday evening Weekend during the day Question Title * 6. Additional input, comments/suggestions Question Title * 7. Please enter email address for follow-up purposes. Done