South Tahoe Bike Wayfinding Survey

The City of SLT has installed the first bike way finding signs as a pilot program on the bike paths.  If you have not seen them on the resurfaced bike paths, please check them out and then complete this survey.  If you have seen the signs already, go ahead and complete the survey.  Your feedback will help us plan for South Tahoe's future bike wayfinding program.  
Thank you. Ty Polastri, President, Team Tahoe.

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* 1. Have you seen the South Tahoe Bikeway signs?

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* 2. Do you like the sign's blue color?

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* 3. If you do not like the blue sign which of the following colors would you prefer?

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* 4. What do you think about sign size?

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* 5. Do you like the wood post the sign is mounted on?

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* 6. Would you like to see more bike wayfinding signs in South Tahoe?

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. What is your age?