Whakatōhea Strategic Reo Survey |
Your valued contribution
Tēnā Koe,
Thank you for considering to contribute towards
Thank you for considering to contribute towards
Te Rautaki Reo o Whakatōhea.
This survey aims to evaluate the current reo ability and use within the home, marae, Kura and broader community to help inform any future support and contributions
towards the revitalisation and strengthening of te reo Māori within those mentioned above.
The survey is for all Whakatōhea members to contribute their thoughts, from beginners to fluent speakers. If you have or have not begun a reo journey, we would love to hear from you. If te reo Māori is important to you or has no place in your world at the moment, we would love to hear from you. Your anonymous contribution is essential to us to develop a Reo Strategy that addresses all uri of Whakatōhea and the wider community.
Please encourage friends and whānau of Whakatōhea to partake in this survey, so we get a broader scope of the use of reo within the home, marae, Kura and wider community.
Ngā mihi.