What Makes a Great Ecosystem Builder?

Hi, everyone! This is a pilot study to start rigorously identifying what makes a great ecosystem builder - and we need a rock star, black belt like you to get us started. We've kept this simple (we will have a longer survey on the entrepreneurial mindset, info below.) For now, please give us your first impression. Conciseness is welcome but we value honesty and passion even more. ;)  THANKS and Entrepreneur Up! --Norris Krueger, PhD
p.s. Please feel free to pass this along to any great ecosystem builder you know, even if you think they're on our list already. 

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* 1. As an ecosystem builder, what's the #1 thing you know that others do not?

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* 2. As an ecosystem builder, what is the #1 skill you have that others do not?

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* 3. What is the single biggest myth about growing entrepreneurs? (What is the single most important reality that people don't get?)

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* 4. What is the most important facet/element of the entrepreneurial mindset that ecosystem builders need?

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* 5. If you met a great ecosystem builder "in the wild" (not working at ecosystem building) how could you tell they are or would be a truly great ecosystem builder?

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* 6. What knowledge is most important for you to be a successful ecosystem builder?

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* 7. What skill is most important for you to be a successful ecosystem builder?

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* 8. What deep beliefs do great ecosystem builders share?

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* 9. If you creating an incredible ecosystem builder in the lab ;) what are the 3 most important ingredients?

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* 10. Would you be willing to complete a longer study, including an assessment of your entrepreneurial mindset? If so, would you leave your email address? (We promise to keep it confidential!)