Kent, CT Cannabis Planning & Zoning Citizen Survey

(Please return printed surveys to Land Use Department at Kent Town Hall)

The Town of Kent’s Planning and Zoning Commission is seeking your input on
cannabis-related issues, including retail, farming, and production. Your feedback will help guide the creation of local regulations. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey.
1.What is your current residence status in Kent, CT?
2.What is your general opinion on the legalization of cannabis in Connecticut?
3.Do you support or oppose allowing recreational cannabis retail stores in Kent?
4.Do you support or oppose allowing medical cannabis dispensaries in Kent?
5.Should the town of Kent allow the cultivation of cannabis for commercial purposes (farming)?
6.Should the town of Kent permit the production or manufacturing of cannabis based products (e.g., edibles, oils, etc.)?
7.How important is it to you that Kent maintains a rural/agricultural identity when considering cannabis-related businesses (e.g., farming, retail, production)?
8.Do you believe Kent should allow the cultivation of industrial hemp for agricultural purposes?
9.How would you feel about cannabis or hemp farms operating near residential areas?
10.What concerns do you have about cannabis retail stores operating in Kent? (select all that apply)
11.What benefits do you believe cannabis-related businesses could bring to Kent?
12.Should cannabis retail stores have restricted hours of operation?
13.Should cannabis retail stores and farms have buffer zones from schools, churches, or residential areas? (set distances)
14.If a retail cannabis store were to open in Kent, would you be a patron?(*REMINDER* Only CT Residents over the age of 21 can legally possess and consume cannabis/marijuana)
15.How informed and aware of you of the differences between cannabis (or marijuana), hemp, and substances such as CBD and THC?
16.What kind of educational resources would you like to see in the community regarding cannabis usage and regulations? (Select all that apply)
17.Please share any additional comments or concerns regarding cannabis farming, production, or retail in Kent:
18.What is your age? (optional)