Personal Property Security Act |
The Alberta Law Reform Institute [ALRI] has released a report for discussion recommending that the Alberta Personal Property Security Act be updated through enactment of amendments to the provincial and territorial PPSAs recommended by the Canadian Conference on Personal Security Law. The ALRI report also recommends parallel changes to the Civil Enforcement Act. The report is available here.
We encourage you to offer your input on the recommendations proposed through completion of the following short survey. Your input is an important factor in implementation of the recommendations by the Alberta government. Please submit your response no later than June 1.
This survey presents 9 questions. The first asks whether you support implementation of the report in its entirety. The following questions group the recommendations by subject highlighting the main issues addressed. Please refer to the report if you wish to review the detailed recommendations. You may choose to complete the survey by answering only the first question, or you may answer all or only selected questions.
We encourage you to offer your input on the recommendations proposed through completion of the following short survey. Your input is an important factor in implementation of the recommendations by the Alberta government. Please submit your response no later than June 1.
This survey presents 9 questions. The first asks whether you support implementation of the report in its entirety. The following questions group the recommendations by subject highlighting the main issues addressed. Please refer to the report if you wish to review the detailed recommendations. You may choose to complete the survey by answering only the first question, or you may answer all or only selected questions.