Thank you for attending our ASI Online Event

We would really value 3 minutes of your time - thank you!

Question Title

* 1. How did you first hear about this event?

Question Title

* 2. How likely is it that you would recommend the event to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 3. Overall, how would you rate the event?

Question Title

* 4. Which event did you attend?

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* 5. Which speaker/s did you hear?

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* 6. Was the event length too long, too short, or about right?

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* 7. What did you like about the event?

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* 8. What did you dislike about the event?

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* 9. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the event?

Question Title

* 10. One of our goals at ASI is to effectively communicate science to the broader, non-scientific community. 
Which of the following best describes your scientific background?