2020 CFO Thought Leader Listener Survey Question Title * 1. What is your job or primary role? CFO Vice President Finance (or SVP) Chief Accounting Officer Controller Director of Financial Planning & Analysis (or similar title) Director of Accounting Manager Audit Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. I listen to the CFO Thought Leader podcast while I'm... (mark all that apply) driving to or from work (private vehicle) commuting to or from work (train, bus, etc.) at the gym, working out (fitness) at home at the office Traveling for work Vacationing Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. Which of the following frequently asked interview questions have provided you with the greatest value? (mark all that apply) Which career experiences best prepared you for a CFO role? What metrics do you look at before your first cup of coffee in the morning? What non financial metrics have become top of mind for finance? What advice do you wish someone gave you before you stepped into a CFO role for the first time? Can you please share a "Finance Strategic" moment or a moment of strategic insight that you gleaned due to your unique lines of sight as a finance leader? Suggest a question we should be asking: OK Question Title * 4. What is the frequency with which you listen to CFO Thought Leader? From five to seven days a week (I'm a new listener) From two to four times a week Weekly Three times a month Monthly Every other month Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. In a typical year, what percentage of your finance team's total time available is spent collecting, entering and validating data? (Does not include time spent on "Analysis") 1 % to 25% 26% to 50% 51% to 75% 76% to 100% No answer OK Question Title * 6. The following are the greatest obstacles to our finance team's ability to respond effectively to the information demands of management and the LOB decision makers. (Mark all that apply) Difficulty measuring or quantifying costs Unrealistic expectations about finance's ability to provide analysis and interpretation Lack of IT resources Lack of control: Dependence on cross functional teams Demand to provide more information Time required to compile data undermines the information's usefullness Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. What is your organizations size in terms of annual revenue? Under $20 million $20 million to $99.9 million $100 million to $499.9 $1 billion to $3.9 billion $4 billion or higher OK Question Title * 8. Which industry sector best describes your company/ organization? Business services High tech & communications Construction & real estate Financial services & capital markets Manufacturing Life Sciences & Healthcare Public sector and education Energies and utilities Retail & Wholesale Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. What other podcasts do you enjoy listening to? OK DONE