Copy of Village of Jackson Fire and EMS Community Survey
Public Administration Associates LLC
If you had to call 911 for a fire in your home, how long do you think you should have to wait for a fire truck to arrive?
5-8 minutes
8-10 minutes
10-14 minutes
If you or loved one were having a medical emergency and needed to call 911, how long do you think you should have to wait for an ambulance to arrive?
5-8 minutes
8-10 minutes
10-14 minutes
Would you be willing to pay additional taxes to ensure the fire department is staffed in a manner to meet your response time expectation?
What is your understanding of how the Jackson Fire Department is staffed?
All Volunteer/On Call from Home
24 Hour Personnel Staffed in the Fire Station
Combination of the Two Above
What level of Emergency Medical Care do you expect if you needed to call for an ambulance?
Basic Life Support (EMT Basic care and transport, CPR, wound care, oxygen, limited basic medication administration )
Advanced Life Support (Paramedic care and transport, medication administration and advanced skills such as external pacemaker application etc.)
Please rate your overall confidence and satisfaction with the Jackson Fire Department being prepared to meet your needs on the scale below.
Low Confidence
Somewhat Confident
Very Confident
Extremely Confident
Low Confidence
Somewhat Confident
Very Confident
Extremely Confident
Please provide any additional comments and or concerns that you may have with the Jackson Fire and EMS Department:
What community do you live in? Please select one of following:
Village of Jackson
Town of Jackson
Town of Polk
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered