We are keen to get to know and understand our members better.
Please take part in this short survey – it will take less than 5 minutes to complete.
We will not share individual responses with any third parties

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your registered organisation name

Question Title

* 2. Including yourself, approximately how many employees does your organisation have? (New Zealand only, including contractors)

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* 3. What is your organisation’s annual revenue? (NZ only)

Question Title

* 7. What are your primary reasons for belonging to the AI Forum? [Select all that apply]

Question Title

* 8. Which of these best describes how often you read our fortnightly newsletter?

Question Title

* 9. How much do you value the following types of connections available to you through your membership of the AI Forum?

  The best thing about my membership Great value Good value Some value No value
Connections with other members
Connections with other NZ Tech Alliance communities e.g. NZTech, FinTechNZ, NZ IoT Alliance, Techwomen
Connections with government
Connections with markets e.g. conferences, delegations
Participation in AI Forum Working Groups

Question Title

* 10. AI Forum works hard to promote the NZ AI ecosystem. How much do value the following?

  Top priority Great value Good value Some value No value
Promotion of NZ AI ecosystem to NZ
Promotion of NZ AI ecosystem to the NZ Government
Promotion of NZ AI ecosystem to the world

Question Title

* 11. One of the AI Forum’s key focus areas is to advance the use and importance of technology.  How do you rate the importance of the following?

  Most important Very important Important A little important Not important
Work to advance AI education, skills and talent
Work to advance AI exports
Work to advance NZ as an AI-enabled nation
Work to advance NZ AI investment
Work on NZ AI policy and regulation

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* 12. Do you think the AI Forum membership provides good value for money for your organisation?

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* 13. Approximately how many employees in your organisation do you estimate take part in AI Forum communications or events?

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* 14. What is the one way we can make your membership more valuable?

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* 15. Overall, how satisfied are you with your AI Forum membership?

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* 16. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?