Congratulations on nominating a member for Coach of the Year Award. The recipient of this award will be a coach who has demonstrated outstanding coaching ability over the nominated period. In particular demonstrating excellent commitment, attitude and communication skills that contribute to conducing programs that assist the development of junior, Club and disability bowlers, as well as contributing to the overall development of a Club. 

The Club is required to nominate and provide further information on the activities of the coach during the 12 months (1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019) in support of the nomination by completing this survey and submitting by no later than Friday 15 March 2019.

All nominees will then be considered and a shortlist of finalists prepared.

Finalists will be invited to attend the Bowls SA Awards Night to be held at  the Morphettville Racecourse on Friday 18 May 2018.

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* 1. Nominee Name:

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* 2. Nomination made by:

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* 3. Contact Phone Number:

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* 4. Please select the current level of accreditation for the nominee coach:

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* 5. Please summarise the teams, squads, schools, clubs and individuals the coach has worked with in the specified period:

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* 6. Describe the major achievements of the nominated person as a coach:

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* 7. Please provide a supporting statement that the nominee has been an active qualified coach for a minimum of 12 months:

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* 8. Supporting statement of the nominee’s commitment and attitude to coaching:

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* 9. What are the voluntary coaching services the nominee offers a club and club bowlers?

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* 10. Describe the innovative coaching techniques the nominee has developed/encouraged or made a part of their coaching:

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* 11. Please provide an example of when the nominee has shown professionalism and sportsmanship when coaching:

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* 12. Please summarise the nominee's Communication and Interpersonal Skills:

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* 13. Please provide an additional reference to support the above application, please include a contact number: